1. Go to your Dashboard -> in the menu click on "Mini Games" -> then on "Lucky Spin"
2. The basic setup of the Lucky spin:
- 1. The main on/off button: If the button is in "on" position (the button will move to the ride side and turns purple) – the Lucky Spin wheel is visible on the main page of the application in the category Extra. If the button is off, you won't see it on the main page.
- 2. Spin price in virtual currency: Here you can set up, how much points will cost the use of the Lucky Spin. For example: If the user wants to spin the wheel, he has to give 20 points.
- 3. Count of free spins per day: How many spins have the user available per day. In this case: the user can spin the wheel 5 times per day for free.
- 4. Watch Video For Spin: If you turn on this option, the user can watch a video and he will get a free spin.
3. Wheel Style setup:
- 1. Background color: This function is not available.
- 2. Border color: You can set up the border color around the wheel.
- 3. Border Width: You can set up the width of the border wheel. The width 10 you can see in the picture below. The bigger number you write there, the bigger wheel you will see.
- 4. Size: You can set up the size of the whole wheel. But just on the scale between 0 and 1 – that means for example 0,1 or 0,4 etc. (0 = you won't see any wheel at all, 1 = the normal size)
- 5. Arrow background color: You can change the color of the arrow.
- 6. Spin text color: You can change the color of the text in the arrow.
- 7. Wheel Radius: You can set up how big should be the inner wheel with the arrow. But just on the scale between 0 and 1 – that means for example 0,1 or 0,4 etc.
- 8. Tip Position: You can change the length of the arrow. But just on the scale between 0 and 1 – that means for example 0,1 or 0,4 etc.
4. Style setup:
- 1. Text color: You will change the text above the wheel (Next spin is for free...)
- 2. Button color: You will change the button under the wheel (CLOSE)
- 3. Button text color: You will change the color of the text in the button under the wheel.
5. Items 1 – 8 setup:
Each Item represents one sector of the spin wheel, so there are together 8 items (8 sectors). You can, of course, set up all of them (in example is only item 1 as a demonstration).
- 1. Here you can select, what reward will be on the wheel. You can choose: Points, Spins or Nothing
- 2. Weight: Set up, how high is the probability of winning a certain reward. The bigger number you write, the bigger chance of winning of certain reward the user will have. If you set up everywhere number 1, the change is equal.
- 3. Value: Set up, what is the value of rewards – how many of free spins or points can the user win. For example, the users can win +3 SPINS or +10 points.
- 4. Font: Here you can set up the size (in pixels) and font of the text in the sector. Some fonts you can find for example on the pages: https://www.cssfontstack.com/, https://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/007/fonts.en.html
- 5. Padding top: Position of the text in the sector. The bigger number you write, the closer to the center the text is.
- 6. Background color: Set up the background color of the sector.
- 7. Color: Set up the color of the text in the sector.
6. At the end, you have to always click on "Save" to make the changes functional.