1. Go to http://affiliate.offito.com and sign up to your account. 
  2. In the menu, click on "Postback"
  3. Go to the Offito Dashboard of your app and sign up to your account.
  4. On the left menu click on (1)"Ad Networks" and then click on (2)"AGGREGATED"Find OffitoADS. Activate it by clicking on (3)"activating button" (the button will move to the right side). There are two activating buttons - for Android and for iOS. So if you need to activate it for Android, click on "Android button". If you need iOS, click on "iOS button".
  5. Then click on (4)"Settings" button.
  6. Now you have to copy the "Postback URL" from your Dashboard page.

  7. Go back to AffiliateOffito page and click on "Create".

  8. You will se the "Create Postback table". 

    1. In "Offer" select -> All Offers (Global Postback)
    2. In "Protocol Type" select -> Postback URL
    3. In "Code" -> paste here the "Postback URL"
  9. Scroll down a little bit and click on "Save".

  10. In the menu, click on "API" and then click the "Create API KEY".

  11. Copy the "API KEY" from AffiliateOffito page and copy it to your Dashboard.

        12. Go back to AffiliateOffito page. Hold the cursor on your name in the rigft upper corner and you will see a pop-up window with your                         account e-mail. Copy the "account e-mail" and paste it to your Offito Dashboard. Then click on "Save".

        13. Go back to AffiliateOffito page. Now you have to add Offito IP Address: After you write it in, click on "+" icon.

        14. Now you have to add Your IP Address. Then click on "+" icon again.