- Go to https://adscendmedia.com/ and sign up to your account.
- If you are there for the first time, a "Welcome to Adscend Media Window" will appear. Click on "Let's get started".
- And then click "Integrate an Offer Wall".
- Now click on "Postback".
- Go to the Offito Dashboard of your app and sign up to your account.
- On the left menu click on (1)"Ad Networks" and then click on (2)"BUTTON". Scroll down a little bit and find AdscendMedia, activate it by clicking on (3)"button" (the button will move to the right side) and then click on (4)"Settings" button.
In the section "Postback", you can find "URL". Copy this "URL page".
8. Now go back to AdsenceMedia page and paste the URL into "URL box."
9. Under "Trigger" mark "Leads" and "Rewarded Video Leads". Then click on "Save".
10. Now click on (1)"Offer Wall" in the menu and then click on (2)"Create New Offer Wall".
11. In section "Info and Settings" fill in Basic Information:
- Offer Wall Name: Write there the name of you application
- Currency Name: Write there the name of your currency (tokens, credits, points...)
- Exchange Rate: Write your exchange rate (=The amount of points your Offer Wall will give for each US $1 of offer payout, for example 500, 120...)
12. Scroll down to the end of the page and click on "Save".
13. Now go to the (1)"Integration" section and click on (2)"API/SDK Integration" on the right side.
14. You have to copy "Publisher ID" number and "API key".
16. Go to your Dashboard page and paste the "Publisher ID" number and "API Key" to the boxes. Then click on "Save".