1. Go to https://developers.facebook.com/ and log in to your account.
  2. Click on "Create App". But If you already have some application, you have to click on "My Apps" and then select "Add New App"
  3. Now you have to fill following info: 
    • Display Name: Write there the name of your application
    • Contact Email: Write the email in the form: support@YourApp.com (for example support@appdown.me)
  4. Then click on "Create App ID" 
  5. In the left menu, go to the "Settings" section, subsection "Basic".
  6. Now, as Category set up "Business" and then click "Add Platform".
  7. Select "Android" as the App Platform.
  8. Go to Android Studio. In "Project" click on "build.gradle" and go to "App" section.
  9. Copy the "application ID" (without quotation marks!!!). On the same page, you can also find KEY_PATH, Store Passwrod and KEY_ALIAS (You will need it later).
  10. Paste the "Application ID" to "Google Play Package Name" and to "Class Name" (+ write "MainActivity).  
  11. If you want to know, what your "Key Hash" is, open commander-line interface/terminal on your computer. Go to the same path where your android keystore is and Paste there this code: 
    • keytool -exportcert -alias <RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS> -keystore <RELEASE_KEY_PATH> | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
  12. But you have to change it a little bit. Write there KEY ALIAS and PATH from the Android Studio (but without < > and " "). It should look like this:
    •  keytool -exportcert -alias YourApp -keystore ./YourApp.jks | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
  13. Click enter. Now put to the commander/terminal "storePassword" (You can find it also in the Android Studio). Click enter again and you will see your "Key Hash". Copy it and paste into the box. (it should end with =)
  14. Set "Single Sign On" to YES. Then click "Save Changes". A box will appear -> click on "Use this package name".
  15. Go to the page of your app and copy "Privacy Policy URL" and "Terms of Service URL" (you can also find them in Integration section in your Offito Dashboard ). Then paste it there and click on "Save Changes". A box will appear again so click on "Use this package name".
  16. Then click on "+Add Platform" and select "Website".
  17. To the "Site URL" write the URL of your app page (for example: http://YourApp.com). Then click "Save Changes". A box will appear again so click on "Use this package name".
  18. Write the "App Domain" (this time without http://). Click on "Save Changes". A box will appear again so click on "Use this package name".
  19. Now copy "App ID" and "App Secret" (first you have to click on "Show"). 
  20. Now go to your Offito Dashboard and log in to your account. In the left menu in the "Settings" go to "Social" -> Facebook. Paste the "App ID" and "App Secret" and click on "Save". 

  21. Then copy "App ID" again and go to "Android Studio": 
    • In "Project" click on "build.gradle" and go to "Strings.xml" section. Paste the "App ID" to facebook_app_id between ><.
    • Then go to "AndroidManifest.xlm" and scroll down. Replace the number with the "App ID" number.

  22. Add your "App Icon" and click on "Save Changes". A box will appear again so click on "Use this package name".
  23. Go to App Review and make your app public.